Implementation and operation of self service bicycles.
In February 2010, Urban Community of Bordeaux inaugurated a complete self-service bicycle system, integrating a specific and preferential offer for people combining different means of transport.

Make bike-a mode of transport in itself
Cykleo imagined a self-service bike stations network that encourage multimodal itinerary.
We have supported Keolis and Bordeaux Métropole in their intermodal development approach.
Cykleo continues to deploy V3 stations along the routes of the Bordeaux tram.
The deployment of self-service bike stations network
Working together with elected officials and the Architects of France has allowed us to validate the most suitable locations.
Cykleo had then installed all the 171 stations by following this steps : civil engineering, installation of the equipments, creation of a dedicated website, etc.
A complete offer around the bike
Cykleo not only ensures the management of the V3 network but also the operation of secure bike shelters.
Cykleo operates:
- 1,710 conventional bikes
- 171 self-service stations
- 10 bicycle shelters